My tips to make the most of every thrift trip

Making a list of specific things to look for can make your trip more intentional. [Photo by Lauren Schmidt]

By Laurent Schmidt

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total newbie when it comes to thrifting, I think everyone can admit they’ve made at least a couple mistakes at the thrift store. Thrifting around Denver the amount I have, I’ve picked up some tricks throughout the years to minimize the mishaps and make sure I’m excited about every haul. Try them out to make the results of your next thrifting trip even better!

Thrifting can be overwhelming if you don’t go in with a plan. [Photo by Lauren Schmidt]

Take off the thrift goggles

You know how people talk about beer goggles? Well I totally believe that the same thing happens in a thrift store. It’s an easy trap to fall into; you pick something up not quite sure if you can make it work or if it’s a hopeless cause, but you have faith. But the second you get home the realization hits: you just spent money on something you will literally never wear. A great way to avoid this unfortunate scenario is to stay aware of what you have and what you actually use. If you’ve never worn the other raglan tops sat in your closet, it’s pretty safe to say you don’t need another.

Don’t let brand names excite you

Another simple mistake that I for one have made countless times is falling for the notion that I have to buy every item if it’s from a brand I like, since it’s such a steal. This is absolutely false, and one of the easiest ways to waste money and overconsume when thrifting. It’s great to find items from a brand you love at the thrift, but I promise you don’t need to buy them if you don’t actually like them, and you’ll thank yourself tenfold for not.

Make a list

Setting intentions is important and helpful when it comes to any life endeavor, and thrifting is no exception. Checking in on your closet and cultivating a list of things you are actively wanting to add is not only a great way to get the most out of your thrift trips but even acts as a little manifestation ritual for a positive mindset going in! Being intentional with your purchasing will not only help you save money, but you’ll also come out much more satisfied with your results.

Try before you buy

Perhaps the best thing you can do to ensure your thrift haul is a success is to try your purchases on. Sure, the thrift store fitting room may not be the most alluring environment, but neither is a closet full of clothes that don’t fit. I know which situation I’d prefer, and so I make sure to try on every piece I buy, even if it has to be over my clothes.

Choose your time wisely

The time of day you decide to hit the thrift store can have a bigger impact on your haul than you may think. Oftentimes the early bird gets the worm, and in most cases going in the morning will give you the most options. However, if you’re heading to the Arc stores around Denver, Friday night is often when you’ll hit the jackpot, since they’ll be stocking for 50% off Saturdays the next morning.

Implement these quick tips and I promise your next haul will be your best yet!


  1. Eden Bollschweiler Avatar
    Eden Bollschweiler

    So helpful!

  2. Ronan Wynne Avatar

    Giving expert tips on something you’re seasoned at is always helpful and this fits the bill perfectly. I head to thrift stores every now and again and can definitely vouch for the fact that trying before you buy is a must. I also appreciate the simplicity of your tips because people do often overlook what is going to make their thrifting successful, this is a kind reminder that planning and practicality can make all the difference.

    1. cristoph dh Avatar
      cristoph dh

      Hi Ronan,
      Great job on this reply to this post on tips on thrifting. It’s very thorough and reflective. You went above and beyond on your replies, and I will give you extra credit for each one 🙂